givemeabreak's Diaryland Diary


Consumers Energy And The DMV

There's a cool site I read from this chick who lives in Portland...and she refers to a thing called a Swamp Cooler all the time and I don't have the nerve to actually ask her on her (highly read by others) site.

So if any of you out there know what the heck a swamp cooler is, please let enlighten me. I hate to be out of the loop.

It is almost officially the kick off to the Month of Teri. July 1st begins the month where everyone should celebrate me and all other Leo Chicks (like Ursula) mercilessly throughout the entire month of July.

Of course my birthday isn't until the 28th, but I say why wait until the end of the month to truly begin lavishing me with gifts, trinkets and whatnots?

So yesterday was alot of fun. Our Power Company (ConsumersFuckYouVeryMuchEnergy) turned off the power due to a paperwork snafu. Boy, are they quick to padlock that powerbox but they can take up to 24 hours to take that bitch off. Heads were practically rolling on Cork Street yesterday afternoon.

The upside is that my power was on by 3:30 - the downside....I lost my wallet. I think I left it at Consumer's office - and today when I went in to ask if anyone turned in said wallet, the two women who were working yesterday smiled nonchalantly and stated, "nope, we have not seen a thing..." GREAT!

Mind you, the wallet has no monetary value whatsoever. The two credit cards are maxed out, the checkbook has about forty bucks in it, but of course it is the pain in the ass of going to get a new Social Security card and a new driver's license from the secretary of state's office. Yeesh. That is always three hours of great fun and madness.

The last time I had to go there and get a license replaced the moron behind the desk would not use my birth certificate as a piece of identification because I was born in Puerto Rico and my certificate was in Spanish. can read my name in English MotherFucker, plus clearly it has my birthdate on there. She insisted that I would have to go and pay to have it translated.

Of course, being the people person that I am, I promptly asked her where one goes to get things translated for retards?!?

So instead they allow a picture from a yearbook. Okay, so my senior yearbook is circa 1988 and I don't look anything like that picture - but our state government thinks that is an appropriate way to demonstrate one's identity.

Oh god, I can hardly wait to find out what bullshit hoops they have now.

I shouldn't be so cranky. I don't know what my deal is this week. I just am in a funk. I think losing the wallet and fighting with consumers all on the same day sort of kicked off the week.

Okay folks that's it for me for today. Time to go and pillage for food in the kitchen.

8:26 p.m. - Tuesday, Jun. 27, 2006


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