givemeabreak's Diaryland Diary


April Update

Okay, so many of you are certain I am dead. I assure you I am alive and very well.

Work is still kicking ass and taking names. I cannot believe how much I enjoy working in a call center. It�s like I was meant to nicely deal with stupid people all day long. I really shouldn�t say that because really in all honesty, the majority of the people calling are really nice and just slightly stupid.

Tracy had her gastric bypass surgery on April 2nd and is doing incredibly well. I have been very busy trying to help her out, and working so I really haven�t had much time to write.

We go to see her surgeon tomorrow for her two week follow up appointment and I know she has definitely lost weight and is feeling wonderful. The first few weeks are really rigid though with the liquids only stage. She already hates the protein shakes.

Not long now and she will be able to eat regular foods again. I have been drinking protein shakes with her as the average person is supposed to have 64 grams of protein per day. Yeah, like any of us do that. Well, let me tell you since I have been following that regimen, I am like wonder woman on steroids. This stuff is sugar free, and is not all hyped on carbs and shit, it�s pure whey protein and potassium and calcium and some other good for you stuff.

Anyway, if you thought I talked fast before, you should hear me now. Not to mention the people at work were already frightened by my continuous smiling like I had shot a clown on the drive into work. Anyway, now I am happy, productive and losing a little bit of weight at a time.

I cannot believe it is already the middle of April. The 10th was our 6 year anniversary, and today is my sister Niki�s 29th birthday. Boy, how time flies. It amazes me that she is not even 30 yet and I am fast approaching 40.

I got to see my friend Joseph a couple of weeks ago and that was really great. He is doing so well and I am always amazed at how close we remain no matter if one day has passed since we saw each other last or if it�s 5 years. It is truly a soul connection.

I want to give a shout out to Erika W. and the gang out in Mattawan, and to let you know that I haven�t forgotten about getting together for a lovely evening of laughter and good food. Things have been so crazy girl, and I miss you tons!! I promise to call soon.

Let�s see what else is going on? Oh, it�s snowing like a bitch and I am sick of it already. I am ready for spring. I went out and bought a bitching bike helmet which is white with hot pink racing stripes on it so I can wear it when I ride my bike to work when the weather gets nice out. I have already starting making an mp3 list of what my soundtrack to work will be. The first song is definitely going to be Going the Distance by CAKE. That song is so funny. I remember when Bob Dole was running for President, and Erin�s brother Evan joked and said that should have been his theme song. It doesn�t much matter now, but it was really fucking hilarious at the time.

Sometimes I am amazed at how much I miss Erin�s family even after all this time apart. We don�t get to see each other very often anymore since my work schedule is so different, but I do think of her and the �fam� very often. We have all gone the distance.

Okay, time to head off to bed. I got home at around 9:30 � Tracy and I took the dog for a walk around the park, I cleaned both bathrooms, took out the trash and loaded the dishwasher. I think that is good for one night. I swear it�s the protein shakes. I feel like I could go back to work and start all over again without the sleep. It�s freaky!!

My best to all.


11:44 p.m. - Thursday, Apr. 12, 2007


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