givemeabreak's Diaryland Diary


End Of The Year Wrap-Up

I have been working so much this past month that I have neglected my one true peace-of-mind-past time: my diary.

Just some things bouncing around my head as this year comes to a close:

1. PRELL Shampoo update: They have expanded their shampoo line. They now have some dandruff version, PLUS a version that is blue (of all colors) and is labeled as some "sport" scent.

Personally, I am true blue, for the classic green however, sometimes change is good.

I like to delude myself and believe that I made a difference in the increase in the interest in PRELL Shampoo, thus their need to increase their line. :0)

2. Do out-y bellybuttons have funk like innie bellybuttons?

3. Why do bellybuttons smell funky in the first place?

4. More importantly...why do I know these things? Ugh!

5. How is it that "professional escorts" in the greater Kalamazoo area make anywhere between $150 -$300 per hour? SEX seems like the easy answer, but supposedly they only prance around in shoe string tops - come they get paid so much and those of us who are on poop patrol 24/7 get paid less than $8.00 per hour?

Do you think if I pranced around the group home half naked I would get paid more?

Wait, don't answer that - I smell a recipient rights form on the way.

5. If you don't own the Maroon 5 cd, you are missing out on some good shit.

6. I secretly love it that I have a nickname at work. They call me Ter Bear, isn't that cute? I have never had a nickname....I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

7. A J.C. Penney whitesale made my whole year. I purchased valances for every room of my house. Finally the hideous ones have left the building!

8. I didn't send one Christmas card this year. It's not that I don't care, I just wasn't motivated.

9. In all honesty, I was pissed off at the amount of money I would have to spend on stamps. Sad huh?

10. I really want to get my thumb tattoo touched up. It's that time of year when it gets gray and ugly out for the next four months, so body art seems like the next best thing to sunshine.

11. I recently discovered that I love how fake eyelashes look on me. It must be the fluffy lipstick lesbian in me.

12. I cannot wait for the premier of "The L Word" on Showtime. If there is a God, it will be NOTHING like that piece of shit program Queer as Fuck, oops, I mean Queer as Folk.

13. My ex-girlfriend married her girlfriend this fall, and my ex-husband and his wife are expecting their first child in May. How many of you can say that with a genuine smile on your face AND in your heart?

14. Thank goodness 2004 in an election year. If that stupid fuck gets re-elected I am seriously moving to Canada.

15. I am sad Ani DiFranco is coming to Kalamazoo in January and for the first time I don't get to see her.

16. It is just wrong to have no snow for most of the month of December. What's up with that?

17. I miss hearing funny stories from Adam.

18. As I have gotten older, I have found closer friends, but our lives are so busy we see each other less often.

19. Even on long stressful days at work, I am always able to find something to smile about.

and finally...

20. Happy New Year Everyone!!



5:33 p.m. - Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003


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