givemeabreak's Diaryland Diary


Birthdays and Beavers

Ah yes, another insomniac moment brought to you by the disappointment of not getting an interview for a job I bid on at the hospital.

It would have been a really cool job, but apparently, I don't have enough leadership experience. Bummer.

Who can I boss around in the meantime to get experience?

Today after work I went shopping for Tracy's upcoming 38th birthday this Friday. She absolutely loves Cherry Chip cake so I made these adorable cupcakes tonight for her.

She was sooooo suprised when she got home from work and there was all this yummy goodness just waiting for her in the kitchen. Oh yeah, there were cupcakes too. Ha ha.

I also bought some steaks to grill, in addition to mushrooms and onions on the side, corn on the cob, a bottle o' wine and last but not least fixings for a tasty salad.

I thought it would be fun to have a nice dinner together at home. Hopefully, it will be a cool evening and we can hang out on the patio.

I think I am finally turning the corner on my bronchitis! I still sound like Brenda Vicarro and when I cough people look at me like I have been smoking unfiltered camels by the carton since I was 10. Thankfully, the cough syrup with codeine helps me sleep at night.

Yeah, except tonight. I was soooo sleepy and was out...then Tracy woke me up around 1:30 to tell me that Andre Agassi had won his match at the U.S. Open. Normally, one might be pissed about being woke up in the middle of the night since one has to get up for work at 4:15 a.m., but in all honesty, I was excited to hear how the game turned out.

God, there seems to be this pesky mosquito in the office and of course it has to find it's way to my left shoulder blade where I can't reach it.

I am squirming around in the chair like a bear trying to scratch herself on a tree. Geez.

Three weeks from today is my surgery and I can hardly wait. It's an exploratory thing so I am anxious to see what my hoo-hoo doctor finds.

I am a little uneasy about having my nether beaver region exposed to people that I have to see and work with on a daily basis.

I keep telling myself that it doesn't really matter to them and that it all looks the same. Yeah, sure, whatever.

Since I have to have a diagnostic laparoscopy to look at my ovaries and fallopian tubes, plus a good ol' fashioned d & c for a little added pleasure...a friend of mine was joking around saying that I should shave an arrow pointing downward for my surgery date.

All I know is that when my OB/GYN comes into the hospital each day and I greet him with a hearty hello! I know that soon I will not want to be looking him in the eye ~ I can only imagine what it would be like if I pulled a stunt like that.

Somehow I think that he would get a chuckle, but then you gotta think that is pretty inappropriate humor. But when has that stopped me?

Okay, I am going to try to sleep again even if it's only for a little over an hour.

2:37 a.m. - Thursday, Sept. 08, 2005


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